The automated artistry (BulkAI)

“Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

In the twisted, chaotic world that we live in, artificial intelligence has found its way into the realm of image generation. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild adventure into the world of BulkAI, a software that generates AI images in bulk like some sort of psychedelic trip through the digital realm.

Disclaimer: The automation of User Discord, Midjourney and Bluewillow accounts is a violation of each Terms of Service & Community guidelines and could result in your account(s) being terminated.

bulkai was written as a proof of concept and the code has been released for educational purposes only. The authors and this humble article are released of any liabilities which your usage may entail.

Let’s dive headfirst into this bizarre world of automated artistry.

Step 1: Installing the Beast

The first thing you’ll need to do is tame the beast known as BulkAI. You can use the golang binary to install it:

go install

Or download the binary from the releases if you prefer the pre-packaged experience1.

If you want to go deeper, make process is a breeze:

git clone
make build

Step 2: Creating the Session

Before you can unleash the full potential of BulkAI, you must first create a session file with your Discord credentials and other browser information. This is necessary for BulkAI to login to Discord, mimic your browser, and avoid being detected as a bot. To create the session file, use the bulkai create-session command, which will open a chrome window and prompt you to login to Discord.

Note that you can easily do this on your desktop, and use the generated session.yaml on your webserver :)

Step 3: Configuring the Settings

Now that BulkAI is set up, it’s time to configure the settings. Create a YAML configuration file with your desired settings, like the following example bulkai.yaml:

bot: midjourney
album: uchrony
download: true
upscale: true
variation: false
thumbnail: true
suffix: " --ar 2:3"
  - Richard Nixon as hippie peace-maker, 70s LSD electoral paper
  - James Brown as Vice President of the USA, 70s LSD electoral paper

And then run the command:

bulkai generate --config bulkai.yaml

For a detailed list of available parameters, see the original documentation provided1.

Step 4: Launching the Madness

Bluewillow and Midjourney are easy to manage when using personal creations’ URLs Finally, unleash the power of BulkAI by running the bulkai generate command. Images will be downloaded to the album name in the output directory specified in the configuration file. You can watch the progress in the console, but beware: this task may take a while depending on the number of images to generate.

If at any point you need to stop the generation, simply press Ctrl+C. To resume the generation, run the command again using the same settings and album name. The prompt field will be ignored, and the prompts will be loaded from the album.

And there you have it! BulkAI will now churn out AI-generated images like some sort of twisted art factory, creating fabulous images so quickly. Please don’t hesitate to

“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” So embrace the strange world of AI-generated art and let BulkAI take you on a wild ride through the digital realm.

Some balkai.yaml samples if you’re not inspired:

bot: bluewillow
album: trippy-landscapes
download: true
upscale: true
variation: false
thumbnail: true
suffix: “ --ar 16:9”
 - surreal steampunk city surrounded by spaceships, global
 - NYC streets full of a psychedelic crowd on strike, TV screengrab
 - underwater city with neonpunk lights and fish
bot: midjourney
album: hypnotic-portraits
download: true
upscale: true
variation: true
thumbnail: true
suffix: “ --ar 3:2 --v 5”
 - portrait of a person with swirling eyes
 - face with an ever-changing, morphing expression
 - cubist portrait inspired by Moebius

Bye! Go AI Go!

Quotes are from Hunther S. Thompson. Pictures were easily composed with MidJourney by the author.